Lord Mandelson confirmed today in the House of Lords that there is “no prospect” of the Government continuing with its Postal Services Bill.
David Williams continued, “I backed the CWU campaign right from the very beginning and I congratulate the Union for putting up a superb fight. This has always been a matter of principle for me, I voted for a wholly publically owned Post Office at Labour’s Policy Forum and I expect a Labour Government to stick to the Party’s Policy. I regard this as a good result for Party democracy.
“In my conversations on doorsteps many people in Crewe and Nantwich agreed with me that selling Royal Mail is not the right way forward.”
Opposition for the Government’s plans came from all parts of the Labour Party. Many Labour MPs, parliamentary candidates and activists opposed the plans and joined trade unionists in backing the CWU campaign. Crewe and Nantwich Labour Party also made its opposition clear by contacting the Prime Minister.
David Williams concluded, “This is very welcome news, but it still leaves the future of Crewe sorting office up in the air. I have spoken to the CWU and they are now looking to establish proper negotiations on the modernisation programme.
“Royal Mail’s approach of picking off sorting offices one-by-one is totally wrong. The union should be allowed to look at the issue on a UK-wide basis. It is the only hope to keep Crewe open. I have written to the Postal services Minister, Lord Young, asking him force management to the table.
"When it comes to the next general election supporters of a wholly publically owned Royal Mail should bear in mind that the only party with that policy is Labour. The Tories are fully committed to a wholesale sell-off.”
Pictured: David Williams with, Billy Hayes, CWU General Secretary at the Union's rally at Labour Party Conference.
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