Saturday, 21 February 2009

Mobile Surgery: Davenport Avenue (Crewe)

I did my mobile surgery on Davenport Avenue in Crewe this morning (I haven't done the Nantwich Davenport Avenue yet). I was joined on the knocker by Peter Kent, Pam Minshall, Steve Hogben and Jules Hornbrook who was ably assisted by young master Crewe Blog!

Jules (Crewe Blog) very kindly supplied the above picture of the Labour team talking to the Jeff Smith and another David Williams, who are Chair and Secretary of Gresty Community Group respectively.

They both told me that neighbourhood policing is working well and they have a good working relationship with local officers. I am pleased to hear this because you see so much criticism of PCSOs and police officers in the media. They get a bad press that isn't deserved.

The issue of starlings was also raised with me by residents. The birds that used to entertain us at the Alex have now been moved from Waverly Court and they've decided to roost in the conifers next to Mornflake Oats. The consequent bird droppings means that those living on the south side of Davenport Avenue are constantly washing cars and hosing down driveways.

I spoke to my mate who runs a wildlife hospital and has great expertise in these matters. He says that the residents have about another month of this before the starlings start pairing up and making chicks. They will start roosting again in October, but may not return to the same site. So the Davenport Avenue people might get away with it in the Autumn?

Please click here to visit the Gresty Community Group website.

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