Wednesday, 5 May 2010


David Williams, Labour's Parliamentary Candidate for Crewe and Nantwich, met and spoke with local residents in the Valley Road and Readesdale Avenue area of Crewe today and shares their anger as the O2 phone mast goes ahead.

David said, “Local residents contacted me and asked me to meet with them as the O2 phone mast was erected in Readesdale Avenue/Valley Road Crewe. I immediately met them at the site. I understand that Edward Timpson was also invited but he failed to put in an appearance.”

David added, “Local residents have campaigned to stop this mast being erected in this residential area. Mr Timpson had been involved and has gone on record as supporting the campaign against the mast, but his Tory colleagues on Cheshire East have paid little attention, either to him or to the local campaigners. I understand that a Notice of Motion to the council had been withdrawn at the last minute, denying Labour Councillors the opportunity to voice their opposition to the mast.”

Local resident Nerys Steventon of Readesdale Avenue said, “Thank you for taking the time out of what I know is a very frantic schedule to speak to the group and show your support. I am convinced that if Gwyneth Dunwoody was still our MP, the mast would never have received the go-ahead in the first place.”

David commented, “Here is yet another example of Edward Timpson saying one thing in public and then failing to follow it through. Crewe and Nantwich needs a strong voice, someone who will stand up for Crewe and Nantwich both nationally in parliament and locally. I am not afraid to stand up against the Tory-controlled Cheshire East Council and to voice the hopes, needs and wishes of the people of Crewe and Nantwich.”

He added, “I think there is going to be a need for a further campaign to stop more mast being erected in this area. The campaigners will have my full and active support.”

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