Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Thank you letter to the Chronicle

Dear Sir

I would like to congratulate Edward Timpson on his victory at the general election and thank him and the other candidates for a good natured and well fought campaign. I believe that we all gave the voters a real choice, which is what democracy is all about.

I would also like to thank all those who came out to vote, I was delighted to see the turnout increase and I hope this trend that continues. It is really important that our democracy is built on the mass particpation of the electorate. I am particularly grateful to everyone who put their trust in me and gave me their vote, I am only sorry it did not lead to the election of a Labour MP. I was, however delighted that the Labour vote went up by 5,000, which gives me great hope for the future.

I am grateful to my Agent, Ken James, and his team of volunteers who worked tirelessly for a cause they truly believe in. We might not have had the full-time staff, expensive offices or considerable financial backing, but we do have a group of grafters who went much further than the extra mile. We are always looking for new people to get involved and anyone who wants to be part of Labour's team should e-mail me at: david@davidwilliams.org.uk

All the way through this election I had a simple message. We must get on with the regeneration of Crewe and Nantwich, so that we can bring new employers to the area and create much needed jobs. I have been frustrated by the lack of progress so far, we need an end to dither and delay. We need a redeveloped station on its existing site, a new town centre, a bus station that links in with rail services, the completion of the by-pass around the south side of Crewe and the development of the Basford sites that could bring 8,000 much needed jobs to the area.

If these crucial projects are not progressed, Crewe and Nantwich could be left behind. It is on these matters that our political leaders should be judged. Not by how many meetings have taken place, consultants employed or reports written; but by how many jobs are created, bricks laid, roads built and new employers brought to the area.

I have heard all the excuses over the last few years about how the lack of action is all the Labour Government's fault, which by the way is not true. Well that doesn't wash anymore. The people have spoken, the votes were cast and we now finally know the result of the general election: A Conservative Government, propped up by the Liberal Democrats. We've got a Tory MP, a Tory Council and a Tory Government, so there are no excuses now.

Yours faithfully

David Williams
Labour's Parliamentary Candidate for Crewe and Nantwich
4 Chantry Court, Forge Street, Crewe, CW1 2DL

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