Monday, 8 December 2008

David's campaign on parking charges is working

David Williams, Labour's PPC for Crewe and Nantwich has responded to the today's announcement by Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council on parking charges:

"I am delighted that the Borough Council has listened to my campaign and finally recognised Labour's tax break for motorists, which was announced by the Chancellor two weeks ago. If the Council passes on the VAT reduction in parking charges that will help local drivers and traders as intended by Alastair Darling.

"However I would like to see the detail of what the Council proposes and I am very concerned that further assistance before Christmas has been dismissed. Have the traders in Crewe and Nantwich been asked what they need? Bearing mind that many retailers make a substantial part of their profits in the month of December, wouldn't more free parking before Christmas be the best solution for local businesses?"

In response to questions which have been raised in respect of the impact of VAT changes on car parking charges, Leader of the Council, Councillor John Hammond, has commented as follows:

“The Chancellor’s VAT announcement came after the Borough Council had agreed to support traders in the run-up to Christmas by introducing periods of free parking. The VAT reduction is, however, most welcome, and, whilst the level of savings it realises will be less than the £34,000 which has been suggested, it will enable the Council to consider further support to traders in the New Year. The period post-Christmas and the January sales is likely to be a difficult one and the Council wishes to do whatever it can to maintain support. On a technical point, this Council, in common with others around the Country, is unable to make changes to the car park ticket machines which reflect the VAT change. The savings will however be achieved and reused in the best way possible to help our local businesses.”

It's all being debated on Crewe Blog

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