Wednesday, 3 December 2008

New flexible working right is ‘big boost for busy parents’

Families in Crewe and Nantwich received a big boost today with the news that the right to request flexible working will be extended.

The right to request flexible working will be extended to working parents who have children up to the age of 16 helping many families balance their work and family life much more easily. The current right only applies to parents of children aged up to 6.

David Williams, Labour PPC, encouraged parents in Crewe and Nanntwich to be fully aware of their new rights:

“Extending the right to request to the parents of older children will give a big boost to busy parents in Crewe and Nantwich who need more help balancing work and family life.

“Whether its managing the school run or being able to work from home these new rights will make life much easier for many parents.

“Employers will benefit too. They will still have the control to do what is best for their business, but many increasingly find that working flexibly allows people to get the best out of their employees.”

"I am particulalrly pleased that this right has been extended because it is something I have been campaigning for with my union Usdaw. Flexible working has proved to be extremely successful. It has allowed many parents to access work, where traditional hours would have made it impossible. This in turn has helped employers recruit and retain experienced staff.

"I urge all employers to look favourably on requests for a change in working hours to help people stay in work."

Today’s announcement builds on the right to request flexible working given to parents of children up to the age of six and the parents of disabled children. Despite their warm words now, David Cameron and the Tories actually opposed flexible working. Around six million employees currently have the right to request flexible working but over 14 million employees, including part-time workers, actually work flexibly. Flexible working arrangements include working from home, part-time work, compressed hours, flexi-time or other arrangements agreed with employers.

Please click here for more information on the right to request flexible working

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