Tuesday, 30 June 2009

David Williams challenges the Tories to abandon their Sure Start cuts

“Don’t let the Tories shut down your Sure Start Children’s Centre”, said David Williams, Labour's Parliamentary Candidate for Crewe and Nantwich.

David Williams warned that Conservative plans to cut 20% of the Sure Start budget could see a Crewe and Nantwich Children’s Centre forced to close its doors.

David Williams continued, “I hear Tory talk of giving children the best possible start in life, but their words are not matched by their actions. This threat to our children’s centres is an absolute disgrace.

“Parents in Crewe & Nantwich regularly tell me how much they value their local Sure Start Children’s Centre and the real help they receive with childcare, healthcare and other children’s services. Ten years ago there were no children’s centres in Crewe and Nantwich, now there are five.”

Labour is delivering valuable support for families and children in their early years and beyond. The next twelve months will see delivery of:

- A Sure Start Centre in every community, available to help parents in the early years.

- An entitlement to 15 hours per week free early education for every three and four year old.

- Expansion of free childcare to the most disadvantaged two-year olds.

- An end to child poverty in the UK by 2020.

David Williams concluded, “Labour continues to deliver for young families despite the tough global economic circumstances we are living in. The Tories are committed to cuts in public spending that threatens everything we are trying to achieve.

“We know that the Tory axe is hovering over Crewe and Nantwich’s public services, but they refuse to say where it will fall."

Pictured: Gwyneth Dunwoody opening Crewe's first children's centre at Underwood West in 2006

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