Monday, 29 June 2009

The Tories are out of touch on law and order

"The Tories are once again on the wrong side of the argument when it comes to protecting the public from crime", said David Williams, Labour's Parliamentary candidate for Crewe and Nantwich.

David Williams continued, "Labour believes in fair rules for stronger and safer communities and are taking the tough and necessary measures to combat crime and anti-social behaviour.

"Labour's no-nonsense approach is bringing crime down. The risk of being a victim of crime is at historically low levels. Since 1997, crime - including violent crime - has fallen by almost 40 per cent.

"CCTV and the DNA database play a vital role in helping us to protect the public by preventing crime and bringing offenders to justice.

"The Tories want to place restrictions on these crime-fighting tools which would seriously weaken our ability to investigate and convict criminals - putting people at greater risk."

Labour is investing in police officers and Community Support Officers to make our streets safer. Since 1997 there are 15,000 more police officers and over 15,500 PCSOs.

The Tories would make a sudden cut of £160 million from the Home Office budget this year, equivalent to losing 3,500 Police officers from our streets. Their plans to make spending cuts of 10 per cent across the majority of government departments, including £930 million out of the Home Office. Cutting police funding by the same 10 per cent as the rest of the Home Office could see the loss of 15,000 police officers - exactly the number of extra police officers delivered from Labour's record investment since 1997. That's nearly 30 off the beat in every constituency across England

David Williams concluded, "I have asked our Tory MP to say where their 10% axe will fall in Crewe and Nantwich, but he refuses to respond. He either doesn't know or daren't say."

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