Thursday, 25 September 2008

TSSA Backs David

David said, "I am particularly pleased to get the support of TSSA, because I am very keen to campaign on transport issues.

"As Gwyneth Dunwoody’s agent and campaign organiser I worked closely with local TSSA activists, supporting their campaigns. I was with Gwyneth during the time that we were campaigning against the privatisation of the railways and supported her in her work on the Transport Select Committee.

"In my current role as Usdaw’s Political Officer I have worked with the TSSA representatives on the Labour Party’s National Policy Forum and I was part of the TULO team negotiating with Government Ministers on a joint trade union programme for the manifesto.

"We were keen to support TSSA on their amendment to bring the railways back into public ownership and I voted for it at Warwick to secure a minority position, which was subsequently endorsed by Conference. I am disappointed that the Government ignored this and I remain committed to bringing the train operating companies back into public ownership.

"The public ownership of the railways is a key campaign aim for me."

The two TSSA branches supporting TSSA are:

Crewe and Cheshire General
Atos Origin West

Please click here to visit the TSSA website

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